
喔优秀. Wow! Excellent!

One day, I may abandon Hexo.

—I shall build a blogging platform on my own.

The materials contained in this web site are for information purposes only. I expressly disclaim all liability to any person in respect of anything and in respect of the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done wholly or partly in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this web site. I am not responsible for any third party contents which can be accessed through this web site.

I alway wonder how could Internet having so much misinformation on it. Perhaps I devote to much to tech than literal, envy some Internet writer can fabricate stories in a really facile way, for I can hardly make my words readily available. I must say with those misinfo doped, the landfill of Internet now is growing from micro to meso and to macro. No one can igore it. Internet seems vigorous, but its growth is like a piece of sponge absorbing water, which is pulverous. There are porous, from which the mess got its evolve.

However, still the Internet is bifunctional. Its hierarchical sturcture remained help people find their needs. Everyone have chooses. One can pick up immersing in the Internet and coprecipitating with it. One can find a way to alleviate the Internet infection make it looks neligible and crystallize from it.

Internet is immobilized. Dedicated servers, uninterruptible power supply, fiber, base stations, these are the hard core of Internet, and most of them are controlled by groups called Internet Service Provider. PC, cellphones that are connected to the Internet can only form its fringe.

The homogeneously distributed Internet takes advantege of its permeability, builds an interplanar space linking dispersive people in a wide specific region.Inductively, You affirm its intrinsic doublets from a cycli c origi n aa t tee

Wait, What am I talking about? Nonsenses ~ %

Anyhow, Here is the original Learn page.

— Jul 25, 2021